Saturday, November 21, 2009

Economies of scale in medical care

Heart surgeon Devi Shetty's hospital did over 5000 heart surgeries in 2008. As he said in this article in the WSJ, "what the Japanese did for autos, India will do for health care". I wonder how many of those people that are proponents of outsourcing thought that health care would be the next industry to move from the US? I can see it now. When the government takes over the US health system and service tanks and it takes years to get an operation done, all those with the financial means will move to Mexico to quit paying high US taxes and will fly to India for health care. The poor will not pay anything and use the free health care. The middle class will pay foe most of the costs and be shocked at how poor the system has become. And the wealthy will move somewhere where taxes are low and go where the health care is cheap. And all of us will wonder what the hell happened. link

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